Ever After Pigments
Ever After Pigments는 입술, 눈썹, 유륜 뿐만 아니라 흉터 위장, 튼살, 방사성 피부 등 가장 얇고 민감한 피부를 포함하여 모든 유형의 피부에도 사용할 수 있도록 개발되었습니다.
Gamma irradiation sterilization을 통해 멸균 인증을 받았으며, 멸균 후, 밀봉된 병에 담아 오염 물질이 남아 있지 않습니다.
어떠한 동물성분을 포함하지 않으며, 동물 실험을 하지 않았습니다. 달걀, 유제품, 라놀린,콜라겐, 카민, 젤라틴, 꿀, 알부민, 비즈 왁스 등의 동물 유래 성분을 함유하지 않습니다.
Ever After Pigments는 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 염료가 아닌 색소입니다. 물에 분해되지 않아 지속력이 우수하고 일관적입니다.
Take care of your customers' beauty
Ever After Pigments는 피부 자극 없이 안전하게 시술할 수 있는
반영구 화장품 및 색소 화장품을 개발합니다.
Masstone & Undertone Chart
visual reference guide for all Ever After Pigments Masstones and Undertones.
Masstone is defined as when a color is applied thickly enough to completely cover a surface. No other colors from below show through.
In tattooing and permanent cosmetics, we aren’t able to actually tattoo the masstone since we apply color into a suspended, 3-dimensional state, within the skin, as opposed to a film layer on top of the skin. Also, each person will have slightly different healing variables of how much pigment remains in the skin plus the color of their individual skintone.
However, we still refer to masstone as a standard starting point when we talk about color characteristics and the undiluted color strength straight out of a bottle.
Undertone is defined as the color when spread very thinly over a white surface.
From a tattoo and permanent cosmetic perspective, the undertone allows us to see another important characteristic of how a color will perform when tattooed in a diluted state or how a healed color may bias compared to a person's own skintone. Undertones can be similar or vary compared to its Masstone.
The chart below is a visual reference guide for all Ever After Pigments Masstones and Undertones.
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